
Sincerely- a creepypasta

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Literature Text

I opened my GBA SP and put my FireRed game in. I never played the original games, and I didn't really like the new games much. I skipped through the intro and went to the continue screen (or at least that's what I call it) and looked at my info. I had all the gym badges and I was the champion. My time showed that I'd played the game for 208 hours total, and I had almost all the pokémon. I was proud of myself, even though I knew rotting my brain on a video game in which you fight cute little monsters for 208 hours when I could have been doing something useful wasn't much of an achievement.

I pressed continue, and my sprite showed up in the buildings of Celadon City. I opened the menu and flew on my charizard to Cinnabar Island. I quickly healed my pokémon and headed into Pokémon Mansion, armed with multiple repels, so I wouldn't have to worry about wild pokémon. I looked at a few of the journals scattered around the mansion, almost being able  to quote them word for word.

That was until I spotted a door that I hadn't seen before, and trust me, In the 208 hours that I've played this game I KNOW that that wasn't supposed to be there.

My sprite approached the door as I directed and entered a room with a single table. It had a few white squares on it, which I assumed to be the crappy overworld version of papers. I walked up to the table and pressed A. The text was a bit gargled, and there were quite a few typos, but it was readable. Here's a corrected version.

"Sept. 1
"Dear friend,

    A shiny pokémon. This is the ultimate prize for a trainer like me. Shiny pokémon are so beautiful, shining like the moon on a calm river.
    They've always fascinated me, ever since I saw that shiny buneary as a kid. I had assumed the unusual coloring of the buneary was just a trick of the light. Only later did I learn what it was, and I realized I had missed the chance of a lifetime.

    This time is different though, I'm definitely going to catch one this time. Mom said It's impossible, but I don't care. I'm going to get my hand on one, no matter what the cost.

M--t-r- [the dashes are characters that were too garbled to make out]"

I was confused. I'd never seen this text in the game before. At first, I thought I'd unlocked some kind of event, like when I opened Cerulean Cave. I hadn't heard of this though. Then I thought it could be a beta event, that I somehow glitched into appearing. That would explain the typos.

I walked to another part of the table and pressed A to read the next piece of paper.

"Sept. 8
Dear friend,

    It's been a week now, and I finally reached Saffron City. getting here from Cinnabar Island was harder than I had anticipated.
    I've managed to catch a meowth, and I named it Coin. I don't have to worry about money as long as Coin is around, since she knows payday. This is a huge relief on my part, as you know I'm not good with money.
    I've also beat the saffron gym leader with the help of my poochyena that mom gave me. He's been a real help, and I'm glad he's with me. With this team, there's no doubt that I'll be able to catch a shiny pokémon in no time!
    I'd like to know how you've been lately, so please write back ASAP.


This one was different from the last one. Who were these letters written to? Intrigued, I went on to read the next letter.

"Sept. 30
Dear friend,

    It's been a little while since I wrote, but I'm currently in Cerulean City. I've already beat the gym leader here, and I've gotten another pokémon. Her name is Shelly, and she's an eevee, just like the one you have.
    I'm heading through Rock Tunnel next, and I promise I will write when I'm in the next town.


I was starting to get excited. I knew this was probably just some useless text, but it was still cool, and I hadn't had anything exciting happen in this game in a long time. Before this, I was really thinking of starting it over and playing from the beginning again.

There were only two letters left, at the bottom of the table, so I walked my sprite over and read them.

"Nov. 11
Dear friend,

    Something wonderful happened today. I met a trainer today who claimed to have a shiny pokémon. Of course, I'll have to trade another pokémon for it, a vulpix. Apparently, this trainer is in love with vulpix. I think it's a cute pokémon, but I don't understand why it's so popular.
    I'm so excited! All I have to do is catch a vulpix, and the shiny pokémon will be all mine! I wonder what type of pokémon it will be? Maybe a linoone or a staraptor? What ever it is, it’ll be perfect.


"Oct. 24
Dear friend,

    Lavender Town is nice and Calm, almOst as if the wind itself is peaceful. I've been thinking about what I really want to do with My life lately, and bEing here encourages such thought. Being a trainer, even thougH it's fun and a wondErful adventure, I just don't think I have the dedication. PeRhaps when I get a bit older, I'll settlE down in a small town like this.
    I've paid my respects to the spirits of Pokémon Tower, and I'll soon leave.


It was a bit of a letdown that this was the last of the letters. Just when I had found something cool, it turned out to be a dead end. Though, speaking of Lavender Town, I thought I might as well go train my pokémon there, since my dragonair was still only at level 34.

I opened the menu and flew to Lavender Town. I liked the music in lavender town, it was lower pitched than in the original games, and didn't hurt my head when I listened to it. I then entered Pokémon Tower to train my pokémon.

The pokémon there were weak enough that I could beat them without my pokémon fainting, so I eventually made it to the top. I loved the top floor of Pokémon Tower, because no matter how many times I got there, I felt a sense of achievement.

But, wait... something was different this time.

Just like in the extra room in Pokémon Mansion, there was a white square on the floor, right were Mr. Fuji was standing the first time I was up here. I walked up and pressed A to read it.

"Nov. 27

    I heard the news, and I'm heading back as soon as I can for the service. I can't believe this could happen...
    I wish I could have heard it from you, but I guess you’re upset too. Something like this doesn't happen very often.


At first, I didn't realize what was meant by "service", but then I realized... It had to be a funeral.

This was starting to get confusing though, why would they put something so sad in a pokémon game? If I was right and this was a beta thing, then it would make sense that they took it out. It'd be bad business to make kids cry, if they even understood.

I pressed A again, but it just repeated the same letter, meaning there was only one.

I soon left Pokémon Tower, not encountering anything strange on the way down. As soon as I got out, I talked to the girl who usually asked if you believed in ghosts, but her text was different this time.

"Mr. Fuji found something strange in Pokémon Tower, he might let you see if you ask nice"

After this text I talked to her again, but she just came up with her usual lines. Since I had nothing to lose, I decided I might as well go talk to Mr. Fuji.

"What? You want to see what I found? Fine, but please don't hurt it, it belonged to someone important."

With that the text came up, "Leaf obtained the LOST MAIL!"

The usual little jingle that played when you obtain an item didn't play.

I went to the mail and found this sprawled out on the old, dark background.

"Dec. 2
Dear friend,

    I'm sorry  I couldn't stay long after the service, so I didn't get to see you. I haven't heard from you in a while, so it's a shame.
    On a brighter note, I've caught the vulpix I need to get the shiny pokémon, and as soon as I get back to Lavender Town, I'm going to trade it.
    Oh, I also forgot to mention that Shelly evolved into a vaporeon. She's so pretty now, and I'm so glad she's mine.


Another useless letter. I was starting to think that there was nothing else to this event rather than useless letters, scattered in random places.

That was until I walked outside.

The brick paths that ran through Lavender Town weren't there anymore. The town had lost its signature lavender colored buildings; they were now simple brown houses with slightly rounded roofs. Pokémon Tower was similar to how I remembered, but it was a few stories shorter. The NPCs were different too. The little girl who asked if you believed in ghosts was now replaced with a man in a hat. I tried talking to him, but all I got was silence.

Then I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. My sprite had changed too. I appeared to be wearing black clothing, rather than the usual red and blue, same with my hat. I opened my trainer card to see if my trainer sprite had changed, but I was surprised to see that my trainer card no longer had a picture on it. In fact, the whole card looked completely different. It only showed my age, name, and badges. Even those things looked weird, as it showed my name (or what I could make out of it anyways) was -ys-e-y, and my age was completely unreadable. I had all the badges, but they looked different than the original ones, a bit rougher.

I exited out of the menu and continued into the now shorter Pokémon Tower. as expected, the NPCs were different, but other than that, the tower seemed normal. I went to the stairs, but before I could climb them, a text box appeared.

"Please, wait!"

My sprite turned without me pressing anything, and was now facing away from the stairs. I saw a sprite enter the screen that appeared to be a young man in brown clothing. I'd never seen a sprite like this in the game before, so I assumed it to be special to the event.

"Please! won't you listen to reason? Do you have no morals?!"

As usual, my character didn't respond.

"If you won't listen then I'll just have to knock some sense into you."

After that, a battle started. Something weird was that I didn't see the trainer sprite of the person whom I was battling. Instead, his pokémon, a flareon, came onto screen immediately, like in a fight with a wild pokémon. My now black-clothed spite threw a pokéball onto screen, that contained a persian. I didn’t have a Persian with me before this.

The Persian knocked out the flareon with one payday, even though I hadn't done pressed anything, and then the battle was over.

The opposing trainer’s text was only a simple,


The screen faded to black, and my sprite then appeared (in its normal clothes) at the top floor of pokémon tower. Again, on the spot where Mr. Fuji stood, was another letter.

"July 7
    Please... I wish you would write back. I need someone right now, I can't take this anymore. It's slowly eating away at me... I need someone here with me, I need you to be here.

-- M--t-r-"

Another text box appeared.

"There are small spots of dried water on the letter"

There were several differences in this letter than the last few. I noticed that I didn't start off with the usual "Dear Friend" and that it didn't say "Sincerely" at the end.

After I finished reading the letter, Mr. Fuji walked up to my sprite. He didn't say anything, but a text box popped up saying,

"Leaf obtained LOST MAIL!"

After that Mr. Fuji left. I opened the letter.

"July 30,
Dear Friend,

    You weren't here, and now I'm frozen. frozen in time. I can't leave here, I've broken and no one's here to save me. You could have been here, and at least we'd be broken together, but now no one's here with me, and I'm alone...
    No, I'm not alone. I've brought them with me. I know what to do now, they're going to help me, and you'll only see the shadows of what I am now. They're right, and I see now, I'm not broken, I'm better. They'll keep me safe. I’m not stuck here, no, I'm just protected. I won't be hurt anymore; you won't be able to hurt me...


I soon left the tower and went back to Mr. Fuji's house. I walked up and tried to talk to him.

"I didn't always live here... I used to live on Cinnabar Island. I had a friend there too. But she never came home."
edit: this has been rewritten

Note: None of the events in this story took place, this story is completely fictional, and did not really happen, if you couldn't tell already.

Edit: If you liked this, I've written a sort of sequil to it

Edit: I'm an idiot. a complete idiot. I just read that Mr. Fuji used to live on cinnabar island. I never actually thought he lived in celadon city, I just made that up fo conveince, and now I have to go back and change it. though it does make the fact that I found the first letters in pokemon mansion make more sense.

my first creepy pasta. Dont hate me!

It's more sad than creepy, but I think it's okay for my first.

and yes, I know, wrong catagory, but it wouldn't let me submit it in anything other than literature, bluh.

can anyone figure out the name of the letter writer?

I don't own pokemon, or the game

Pasta (c) Me :iconxyliax:
© 2012 - 2024 Xyliax
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DragonTruLoverManiak's avatar
no gore, no scare. just atmisfer. bravo!!